Self Pay Uniform Forms, Concord uniform t-shirt requests, and more.
See below.
Issued uniform questions? Janice.Nath-Studzinski@gmr.net
Self Pay/Optional uniform questions? Courtney.Webb@gmr.net
Issued Uniform Items
Please click on the link HERE or the image to the left and complete the form to order issued uniform items from Janice.
The employer issued uniform items are pants, belts, workshirts, certain jackets and beanies.
ANY TIME these uniform items are beginning to wear out and/or fade, complete this form and return to Janice.Nath-Studzinkski@gmr.net ASAP!
The estimated delivery time for uniforms after the form has been submitted is approximately 4-6 weeks.
Plan ahead to anticipate these delays.
Self Pay/Optional Uniform Items
Miscellaneous Vendor
Please click on the link HERE or the image to the left and complete the process to order self pay/optional uniform items from the vendors detailed on the form.
Examples of self pay items include: 1/4 zip workshirts, polos, contra costa emt/paramedic hats, etc.
ANY TIME your uniform items are beginning to wear out and/or fade, complete this process with the vendor ASAP!
The estimated delivery time for self pay/optional items after the order has been submitted is approximately 4-6 weeks.
Plan ahead to anticipate these delays.
Self Pay/Optional Uniform Items:
Concord Uniform
Please click on the link HERE or the image to the left and complete the process to order self pay/optional uniform items from Concord Uniform
When submitting the form, you must submit a PDF (not a photo) of the completed document to Concorduniforms@aol.com or deliver in person to their store:
2190 Meridian Park Blvd # Q, Concord, CA 94520
The only self pay items Concord Uniform are authorized to provide that are permitted to be worn in the field are the Contra Costa County Paramedic hat and navy alliance t-shirt.
ANY TIME your uniform items are beginning to wear out and/or fade, complete this process with the vendor ASAP!
The estimated delivery time for self pay/optional items after the order has been submitted is approximately 4-6 weeks.
Plan ahead to anticipate these delays.
Questions or issues?