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AMR Contra Costa Resources: Coronavirus

Look here for updates pertaining to

the Contra Costa County deployment.

These practices may differ from other operations in the area.

Please be patient as your support staff are working around the clock to identify and develop solutions to our unique situations as they evolve.

Local operation solutions are probably the most fluid since our County is experiencing changes that are not impacting other service areas. Because of this you need to check this page frequently because changes will happen so quickly.

Updates will be posted in real-time.

Aug 5: Vehicle Decontamination Service M-F 8a-5p PDF HERE

July 23, 2020: BVM HEPA Filter Rescue Breath MEMO HERE

Jun 16: Effective immediately gown par level on the rigs is 6 (increase from 2)

May 20: AMR Treat and Refer Cancellation MEMO HERE

GMR Guidelines for Preperation & Response Mar 4, 2020 MEMO

AMR Coco Ambulance Ride-A-Long Cancellation March 4, 2020 MEMO

April 20: EMS Mental Health and Wellness Preparedness POWERPOINT SLIDES HERE

Mourning a Loss: David Martin

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Today, we begin to mourn the loss of David Martin and AMR Paramedic in our Natchez, MS, operation.

A fellow member of the AMR family passed away today after struggling for weeks in the ICU with COVID related complications.

He leaves 2 children.

Mourn our loss with us.

David will be greatly missed.

Be safe you guys. We care about all of you deeply.

Certification Course Updates

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All certification extensions are being withdrawn.

Get with CES or your Supervisor for information on classes being held to get you current.

You must maintain a current FIT test certification for the N95 mask you are currently wearing. Obtain FIT certifications for new masks (different models) with the on duty supervisor in your deployment zone. Not having a FIT for a certain N95 is like working on an expired certification.

Supply Updates: PPE and Disinfection

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- Pro Tech Disinfectant is available at the stations and is the recommended product for surfaces, including in the rigs.

- A bleach wipe or diluted solution are the only acceptable alternatives for surfaces. Bleach MUST dry for 10 minutes to be effective. You cannot wipe the surfaces dry.

- Clorahexadine/Vionex is the available solution for skin.

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- Understand how cone/surgical masks are JUST as EFFECTIVE when applied to yourself and ALL patients as early as possible. See the 'PPE and Disinfection resource' page for more information. The CDC has issued SPECIFIC direction for proper use of the cone/surgical mask in lieu of the N95.

- N95 masks access is being controlled to ensure accessibility THROUGHOUT this COVID-19 response.

- Production shortages on a global scale have driven this decision.

- N95 masks can be reused when properly stored in between use.

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