This site is intended to connect the community DIRECTLY to CURRENT and ACCESSIBLE tools and resources that will offer immediate assistance and help guide them and/or someone in their lives to understand or manage disease of addiction and the impact on health and wellness.
The individuals and subject matter experts who submit information and present material are dedicated to the continued
service and care for the citizens of Contra Costa County.

Question & Comment Survey LINK HERE

Wellness: Support Your Soul
Perhaps you are on the road to recovery or are a victim of the affects of addiction and/or substance use disorder.
We know the resources below can support your goals.
Scroll down to find programs and people in this county who are available now to help make additions to your wellness toolkit!
Do you know someone who you suspect may be using opioids?
It is very important that you share this information about narcan.
Perhaps you could even get a dose to keep handy to be used in the event of an overdose.
Its better to have it and not use it than need it and not have it.
Narcan saves lives.
Narcan by mail for FREE: nextdristro.com
Narcan information: https://www.narcan.com/
Narcan use instructions: https://www.narcan.com/patients/how-to-use-narcan
NARCAN® Nasal Spray, the first nasal formulation of naloxone to be FDA approved for the treatment of known or suspected opioid overdose. Designed for use in the community, NARCAN® Nasal Spray is needle-free and ready to use. Please see Indication and Important Safety Information below.
NARCAN® Nasal Spray may counteract the life-threatening effects of an opioid overdose. Since most accidental overdoses occur in a home setting, it was developed for first responders, as well as family, friends, and caregivers—with no medical training required.
Designed for ease-of-use in the community setting
Inhalation not required
Requires no specialized training†
Programs and Points of Contact:
Emily Webb
Monument Youth Drug & Alcohol Coalition is committed to changing social norms and policies that contribute to youth access to alcohol and drugs in the Monument Corridor.
MYDAC is affiliated with the Bay Area Community Resources (BACR) . Check out the BACR website here: https://www.bacr.org/about-us
WEBSITE: https://www.drugfreeconcord.com/about-us
RESOURCE SHEET: Alcohol, Cannabis, Vaping and Drug Prevention MDUSD Comprehensive Online Resource List
Updated 8.31.21
The Monument Youth Drug & Alcohol Coalition is a group of Concord residents, volunteers, and local organizations committed to changing social norms and policies that contribute to youth access to alcohol and drugs in the Monument Corridor.
To reduce youth alcohol and other drug use in the Monument Community through community education, policy change, and advocacy.
To advocate for public policy to address youth access to and misuse of alcohol, marijuana, and prescription drugs.
Empower the community by raising awareness about the harms of drug use and promoting healthy coping strategies through education and advocacy.
Build and maintain a healthy community by supporting preventive and wellness services, environmental safety, youth development, and mental health.
MYDAC meets on the third Wednesday of January, March, May, July, September, and November. SUBSCRIBE to join our meetings.
Tambra Divine
Substance Use Navigator - Contra Costa Health Services
The 24-hour Behavioral Health Access Line is an easy-to-use resource for mental health and substance use services. Call toll-free 1-888-678-7277
WEBSITE: https://cchealth.org/bhs/access-services.php
Crisis and Suicide
Hotline: 1-800-833-2900
211.org: dial 211
Free national hotline for referrals to social services
Psychiatric Urgent & Emergency Care
Danielle Aubin
Patient Navigator - Bay Area Addiction Research & Treatment (BAART) Program
Today, BAART Programs is a multi-site, multi-service organization, with over 40 years of experience providing opioid use disorder treatment and supportive recovery services to patients across the country.
Providing high-quality, patient-focused treatment for addiction to prescription medications and other opiates such as heroin and fentanyl, remains the focus of BAART Programs clinics.
WEBSITE: https://baartprograms.com/baart-antioch/
RESOURCE SHEET: Referral Reference Information HERE
RESOURCE SHEET: Myth Buster - Medication Assisted Treatnent (MAT) HERE
San Francisco / Market St. - 415.863.3883
San Francisco / Turk St. - 415.928.7800
Menlo Park / San Mateo - 650.324.1470
Oakland - 510.533.0800
Richmond - 510.232.0874
Antioch - 925.522.0124
Rita Schank
Executive Director - Ujima Family Recovery Services
Ujima Family Recovery Services is a non-profit charitable organization dedicated to helping families recover from alcoholism, drug addiction and behavioral health problems. Since 1986, Ujima has made a significant contribution towards stopping substance abuse, and empowering mothers and their families to develop life skills to lead healthy productive lives.
WEBSITE: https://ujimafamily.org/
Location: 1901 Church Lane, San Pablo Ca 94806
Phone Number: 510-236-3139
April Rovero
Founder Contra Costa County Medication Education Disposal & Safety Coalition (MEDS)
National Coalition Against Prescription Drug Abuse Coalition
The Contra Costa County MEDS Coalition is a volunteer-based organization. We can always use your support! Examples of volunteer support we need:
Social Media Promotion
Event Organization and Planning
Website Support
Tabling at Events
Blog Posters
Newsletter Support
Speakers and Personal Testimony
Event Day Support
If any of these activities interest you, please let us know by filling out the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Contra Costa County MEDS Coalition!
Please fill out the brief form below so that we can see where you could best help us.
WEBSITE: https://cccmedscoalition.org/
Email info@cccmedscoalition.org
Mailing Address P.O. Box 87, San Ramon, CA 94583